When a winter storm warning is issued, it is too late to clean and inspect the fireplace and chimney for safety issues. Your family relies on the heat and safety of your fire place and chimney. Don’t wait until the harsh winter weather is here.
We get a lot of service calls in the coldest weather. Snow, ice and freezing rain create an urgency in folks to prep for an upcoming storm. Unfortunately, even the best chimney service requests struggle to fill the needs of their customers during a winter storm warning.
Chimney sweep company in action
If a winter storm warning is issued, what do I do?
If you have concerns about your fireplace and chimney, call your chimney company anyway. They want to help people even in the most trying times. We have worked customers into an appointment after dinner to keep their heating working. Don’t be shy but also be respectful. Demanding and shouting about service when the temperatures are in the teens is not going to get you fast service.
A safety tip – if smoke or fumes are entering your room or home, put out the fire immediately. Carbon monoxide can build up and it is extremely toxic. Call us for service. Even if it is after hours, our system will take your message and forward it. Just do not use the fireplace until we have checked it out.