Allowing oxygen in the wood stack is why it’s critical to remove fireplace ash quickly. Days or weeks of burning wood will produce a lot of ash in the fireplace.
We remove fireplace ash quickly to allow the most efficient burning possible. The more efficient a burn, the less a Knoxville chimney sweep company will have to remove creosote.
One of the best gifts we received recently was an ash bucket shown in the picture. This is a great way of scooping out ash. It has a lid and a large scoop made for the fireplace. Even our wood stove cleaned up nicely.
What do you do with the fireplace ash removed?
The best use of chimney ash removed from stoves or the chimney is in the garden. The left over nutrients from burned wood is a great source of phosphorus. Vegetable gardens as well as ornamental gardens will LOVE the added ash. You do not need a large amount. Mix it up in the soil or compost you use for the landscaping.
There is no need to dump the ash into a trash can and fill up the landfill. This is a naturally occurring compound that trees, plants and vegetables love. Spread the ash far and wide in your yard.