When searching for a propane fireplace repair in Knoxville TN area, service ability and honesty pay off every time. In the rural areas of east Tennessee, propane gas is the only source to serve gas logs and other heaters for your home. Propane gas is different from natural gas as the orifices are not the same. Each type of gas has its own requirements due to the BTUs of each gas. Not all chimney and fireplace service companies know how to deal with propane gas.
Some of the most common issues in propane fireplace repair in Knoxville TN is a clogged or obstructed gas line. Often times the rocks or ash used in the burner area will clog or restrict the gas flow. This causes the safeties to trip out or the pilot will not light or stay lite. We take apart the connectors and blow out the junk in the gas lines and orifices.
The propane tank is empty. This is more common that you think. During very cold periods, the fireplace uses a lot of propane. It is not uncommon to refill a 500 gallon tank in 3 months of very cold weather. Ouch. Propane is very expensive across the country. A honest chimney cleaning company will simply clean out the entire system and get it back to normal in no time flat.