As we get older and our needs change, it makes sense to replace a dying fireplace using wood to gas logs. The idea of buying (or chopping your own) firewood, stacking it and bringing it in on a cold night is no longer romantic.
Like our bodies, the fireplace and the chimney wear out. The mortar will start to crack and need patching. The chimney will build up a layer of creosote that must be swept yearly.
To replace a dying fireplace, the first step is finding a trusted, honest professional chimney services company. A company with many years of experience will quickly inspect the fireplace. They provide guidance on several options to change out the wood burning fireplace. There is never just one solution fits all.
A trusted chimney company is your best friend.
Replacing a dying fireplace with gas logs
The process of converting a wood burning fire place into gas logs is straight forward. First, the chimney is swept thoroughly by a chimney sweep. The firebox is cleaned out of all old soot and debris in preparation of new gas logs. Most new log sets are sensitive to dirt and build up in the burners. The fireplace must be clean before the installation.
Secondly, the source of fuel is located and installed if necessary. Gas log sets are available in natural gas or propane. The orifices are different so you must know which is available before installing a set.
After the gas line is run and secured, the burner set that the logs rest on is installed. This burner has the controls, sensors and design for specific sets of gas logs. Don’t try to put just any burner package on any type of gas logs. It may work but it can result in soot and failure of the sensors.
Gas log options and testing
Many of the newer gas logs sets for replacing wood burning fireplaces operate with a remote control. The options vary by manufacturer. On, off, high, low and temperature control are often common to all. Therefore, look for features in each provider that fit your lifestyle. Heads up – the batteries do wear out over time. Many of our service calls are due to dead batteries!
In addition, each manufacturer provides different quality in the logs as well as the maintenance needed to clean the burners. Make a note of the differences to talk with your installer. After that, the final decision is looks of the logs. How to they fit into your home? You will see them day in and day out. Finally, pick the one that is best for your taste.