A custom fireplace mantel is surprising inexpensive to design and install. Live edge wood is transformed into a beautiful mantel. Read how in this step by step process to create a unique custom fireplace mantel. If you are not comfortable taking on this project, reach out to Clear Chimney’s mantel experts for help.
Here are the following steps to begin:
Find a local wood provider of live edge logs. These folks will take huge logs of various types and cut them to your exact specifications. We like any type of Oak and Cedar logs. It is important to tell them you are building a mantel and want a “live edge” on the wood. They will keep the outside bark during the cutting process.
Our original piece of raw live edge wood for the mantel
Ask local tree cutting companies or wood supplies for a local cutter to supply raw wood cut to your specs.
Once you have the wood needed in the correct sizes, it is time to prepare the wood with color and a protection. The next step involves sanding. Be sure to have an area that can take the dust for easy clean up. Also, use a mask when sanding. The particles fly in the air during sanding.
Sand the entire wood on all sides. Use a “tacky cloth” that picks up the tiny particles from the wood before they are sealed in.
We recommend the colors you want are tested first. We usually do it on the back side. You can also use a scrap of wood but be sure it is from the same provider. Colors vary a lot on different grains and woods.
Sand, tacky cloth, stain, steel wool, tacky cloth, seal the custom mantel
Custom fireplace mantel final installation:
A beautiful custom mantel completed ready for review. The screen was added for protection. A few thousand dollars created an artwork masterpiece for this fireplace. Many years of enjoyment are ahead.
Many homeowners see water in their fireplace after a huge rain storm. The winter freezes, expands bricks and causes openings for rain entering the chimney. The milder weather melts the ice locked in the masonry. The mortar has expanded and left a void for rain water to enter.
The brick and mortar is cleaned before sealing the chimney
Firstly, the chimney cap and the bricks with mortar are cleaned and scrapped for loose particles and debris. Any holes and openings found are patched with sealant designed for this exact purpose. Secondly, the entire structure is water sealed to prevent further decay after the holes and cracks are sealed.
The chimney will last for at least 10 years once sealed. However, the leaking started years ago and when left under served created the water in the fireplace.
Many happy customers tell us their problems were solved after we sealed and secured their chimney. Water in the fireplace will destroy gas log burners, dampers and interior flooring quickly.
Also, is the chimney cap leaking?
Some builders cut corners on the quality of chimney caps. For instance, the good ones are made from stainless steel and coated to prevent rust and leaks. Over time, the chimney cap not sealed can leak. Caps are blown off in a high wind because they were not secured properly. This will lead to instant leaks from a heavy rain storm.
Every homeowner (both owners and renters) should buy several fire extinguishers. According to the National Fire Protection Association, a fire breaks out every 90 seconds or so. It is too late AFTER a fire starts.
Fires will begin if embers pop out on a rug or carpet. Burning loose papers or other materials in a fireplace are dangerous to the room. We recommend every home buy several fire extinguishers. Hopefully, they are never needed.
Our trucks are stocked with fire extinguishers as a service to our customers. We are happy to provide them (and mount them if needed) for a nominal fee.
Obviously, the kitchen is where everyone thinks fire extinguishers belong. That is true, but every wood-burning stove and fireplace in your home should have an extinguisher close. They can mount on a wall beside the fireplace. They can be stored in cabinets.
Locations to buy several fire extinguishers
Kitchen for the stove
Wood-burning stoves (each one)
Fireplace (bedrooms, basement and bonus rooms)
Outdoor fireplace or fire pit
Garage for cars or rechargeable tools
Near gas or propane water heaters (if in a different area from above)
Additionally, if you have a golf cart or ATV, the charging stations will require an extinguisher as the batteries off gas at times. Don’t forget the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in these areas, also.
At ClearChimney, our main focus is keeping your family safe. Young children and grandchildren must be protected.
At the very least, have several fire extinguishers in the house. Have them in the garage. Have extinguishers in the trunk of your car.
Remember, when a fire breaks out, it is too late. Do not let others grieve because a fire extinguisher was missing.